About us

When we enjoy the beauty and comfort that natural stone provides, few know the long and delicate process that is followed from the extraction of the material from the bowels of the rock and the production process, to reach our homes.

The process of extraction is undoubtedly one of the most laborious and delicate in the whole process.

Everything begins in the quarter with the extraction with diamond wire cutting, then in the factory the blocks are cut with specialized machinery to obtain measurements of parquet or sheets, once cut to the measurements, the required treatments are carried out for the different finishes.

We are considered as a leading company in the extraction, classification, treatment and distribution of stone for construction, with recognized international projection.

Currently Canter Export S.A. DE C.V. has its production center in Kopoma Yucatan Mexico.



Km. 116 mas 650 Carr. Merida a Campeche
C.P. 97818 Kopoma, Yucatan


Cel: +52 (999) 163 56 49
Cel: +52 (999) 163 60 96

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